Here you will see what i have been up to with my aquarium you may find something that helps you.
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About Me

Norwich, United Kingdom
I used to work in the garage at eastern counties bus company. But in 1985 i had a bad car accident Which left me disabled. I have always liked and kept tropical fish of all kinds but my passion is discus. I only recently managed to breed them.

Sunday, 3 June 2007


Here are some pictures of the other pair laying 3rd 6th 07 i now have two lots of eggs in one tank fingers crossed.


Well since i last updated this blog i have sold some discus because i have got 4 pairs now and when they are on eggs they get aggressive. I have bought a new 120ltr tank for breading and put it in the bedroom with a pair in it one snakeskin, and a blue diamond these fish have laid 4 times in the main tank. But today in the main tank 3rd 6th 07 i have eggs from a chequerboard pigeon blood female and a moonstone marlboro. Also in the same tank i have a red alenquer and a moonstone marlboro now laying hard to keep up now. Watch this space i am sure theres lots more to come. Regards. Colin