Here you will see what i have been up to with my aquarium you may find something that helps you.
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About Me

Norwich, United Kingdom
I used to work in the garage at eastern counties bus company. But in 1985 i had a bad car accident Which left me disabled. I have always liked and kept tropical fish of all kinds but my passion is discus. I only recently managed to breed them.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007


Well 6 of my smaller discus are now in the second tank i put them in at 10.30 am today. They were out and eating within 10 min's well pleased was getting fed up with looking at empty tank. Both tanks are at Nitrate=10ppm Nitrite=0 amonia=0 PH 6.9 KH 3 GH7 At 30c 86f. I also got my TDS meter today that reads 270ppm. so all looks good.

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