Here you will see what i have been up to with my aquarium you may find something that helps you.
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About Me

Norwich, United Kingdom
I used to work in the garage at eastern counties bus company. But in 1985 i had a bad car accident Which left me disabled. I have always liked and kept tropical fish of all kinds but my passion is discus. I only recently managed to breed them.

Monday, 24 September 2007

Silver and Blue's

These are the other five the silver's and blue's it hard to see which are which i am not that sure myself untill they turn in the light then its obvious . I am still doing everything the same as before as in the amount of water changes etc. But i have got my water back to how i like it. That is PH under 7 and TDS down to 160 it has no effect on how quickly they are growing in my opinion infact i would say they are growing quicker. I feed them 5 times a day mostly beef heart with some prima, spinach, flake, and those frozen cubes.


After 3 weeks the fish are all doing well its unbeleivable how fast they are growing i have got 5 in each tank now. I have the four reds together with a blue as you can see in one of these pictures.

Friday, 21 September 2007


Well i finally got the ph right in the other tank for the move. It would not come down i tried useing pure ro water with just minerals but it refused to drop from 7.5 But today its down to 6.9 so they have been moved and all is well. I also changed my R/O sediment and carbon filter's they had been running for 2 months and produced 2,000 gallons of water. Here are some pictures of them for those who are interested take note of the inside of the sediment filter's they are still pure white. I probably would have got another month and 1,000 gallons from them but its better safe than sorry.

Sunday, 16 September 2007


All my fry have gone now and i can concentrate on the stendkers i am going to move 5 of them to the other tank tomorrow. I have only had them 2 weeks but i can already notice them growing they are eating like mad. I will post some pictures tomorrow. Since i last posted i have also changed my filters i sold the wet and dry filters and replaced them with eheim 2028's as they are for tanks up to 600 ltr. The 2327's i had were for tanks up to 350 ltr my tanks are 400 ltr so it makes sense.

Saturday, 8 September 2007


What a difference a week makes its 7 days since i got the stendkers they were very scatty but now they have settled down. Thursday for the first time one of them came up and took food from my fingers now they are all feeding from my hand. They are still a bit shy flying across the tank at sudden moves but much better than they were. I have been doing 40% water changes every day and feeding them beef heart as i want them to grow quickly. Also i have put the ph up to 7.2 and tds is now 200 ppm even though i don't like the idea i was told they would grow quicker in more alkaline water. Here are some pictures of them feeding.

Monday, 3 September 2007


The stendkers have settled in nicely now the first day they were very scatty hitting the tank both ends every time we moved. The first water change i did was a nightmare but they are slowly getting used to the new surroundings. May take a while before they trust me but they will as i remeber the first 8 discus i bought were like this for a week or so. I have changed my water parameters to suite these discus. I have got the tds up to 250 ppm and ph is now 7.5 as i was told that these german discus grow quicker in harder water. I don't like the ph that high but its the only way i can get the hardness up. I don't want to start adding acids and chemicals i was told the ph does'nt matter with these discus as they are easier to keep. But as soon as they have grown an inch bigger i will get back to my normal routine. I feel better when i have low ph and softer water.

Saturday, 1 September 2007


Yes just to let you know that they are eating and swimming around as if they had always been there great stuff.


Well after one hour they are swimming about like they had been there all their lives i am well chuffed. I will see if they will eat later on but i think they have been through enough for now here's a few pictures of them swimming about. Now that i have got the pick of the bunch i will let on where they come from i knew last week these were coming. They were bought from atlantis aquatics great yarmouth


Today i went and picked up my new discus they are stendker pigeon blood's silver's blue's and reds. I got there early and had the pick of them. When i got home i placed the fish in the polystyrene box and slowly let my tank water drip into the box through an airline over a period of 2 hours. Then i left them for a further 30 min's to get used to the water. I then netted them one at a time into my tank. I bought 10 as i got a discount for bulk.