Here you will see what i have been up to with my aquarium you may find something that helps you.
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About Me

Norwich, United Kingdom
I used to work in the garage at eastern counties bus company. But in 1985 i had a bad car accident Which left me disabled. I have always liked and kept tropical fish of all kinds but my passion is discus. I only recently managed to breed them.

Monday 13 August 2007


Today i started my brine shrimp hatching again as the fry are a week old. I was going to buy a hatcher but found them a bit expensive so i made my own. This is how, I got a large coffee jar made 3 holes in the top one for the air line and 2 to let the pressure out one might do but better safe than sorry. Then i put a plastic airline connector through the middle hole and put a piece of airline on the inside of the lid with an airstone on the end this needs to be about an inch of the bottom of the jar. Then i put the airline from the pump on the top of the jar with a regulator on it. I use about half a litre of water to this i add sea salt about 10 to 15 ml thats two and a half teaspoones let the salt dissolve before you add the eggs if not you will find the eggs will all float and its a job to get them to sink. After about 48 hours the brine shrimp will start to hatch this time scale depends on temp. I start a second one after 24 hours so i have a constant supply when they are ready to harvest turn of the air and leave for about 5 mins so the shells come to the top and you see all the pink shrimp on the bottom. I use a syringe to suck up the shrimp but a turkey baster is good put them in a container and what you don't use place in the fridge it slows the metabolism down and they last a couple or more days.

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