Saturday, 10 November 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 19:11 0 comments
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Well i am so glad i bought that uv sterilizer from ebay it was £29 plus £6 postage worth every penny they should cost arround £60. I can now leave the lights on 10 hours with no algae problems at all as i have a huge window in my front room i could only have the lights on for 6 hours a day and still had problems with algae. Since putting the uv in i hav'nt cleaned the glass once and the water is crystal clear the unit is internal and made by fish r fun. I know you have to change the bulbs every 6 months at a cost of £12 but its well worth it because it also kills disease so no more medications to buy.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 20:29 0 comments
Friday, 19 October 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 23:25 0 comments
Sunday, 14 October 2007
I have sold one of my tanks as the hobby had turned into a full time job with all the maintenance and water changes. Now i only have the one rio 400 i can sit back and enjoy the discus and that also means when i buy anything i only have to buy one so it will save me money to. I will still keep up the water changes but i only have 8 discus as i sold 2 i plan to get 4 catfish to help with the cleaning. Also i have put a thin layer of fine gravel in and 3 lumps of bogwood as its more pleasing on the eye.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 22:33 0 comments
Monday, 24 September 2007
Silver and Blue's
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 13:53 0 comments
Friday, 21 September 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 19:10 0 comments
Sunday, 16 September 2007
All my fry have gone now and i can concentrate on the stendkers i am going to move 5 of them to the other tank tomorrow. I have only had them 2 weeks but i can already notice them growing they are eating like mad. I will post some pictures tomorrow. Since i last posted i have also changed my filters i sold the wet and dry filters and replaced them with eheim 2028's as they are for tanks up to 600 ltr. The 2327's i had were for tanks up to 350 ltr my tanks are 400 ltr so it makes sense.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 23:10 0 comments
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 17:06 0 comments
Monday, 3 September 2007
The stendkers have settled in nicely now the first day they were very scatty hitting the tank both ends every time we moved. The first water change i did was a nightmare but they are slowly getting used to the new surroundings. May take a while before they trust me but they will as i remeber the first 8 discus i bought were like this for a week or so. I have changed my water parameters to suite these discus. I have got the tds up to 250 ppm and ph is now 7.5 as i was told that these german discus grow quicker in harder water. I don't like the ph that high but its the only way i can get the hardness up. I don't want to start adding acids and chemicals i was told the ph does'nt matter with these discus as they are easier to keep. But as soon as they have grown an inch bigger i will get back to my normal routine. I feel better when i have low ph and softer water.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 14:11 0 comments
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Yes just to let you know that they are eating and swimming around as if they had always been there great stuff.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 21:49 0 comments
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 14:43 0 comments
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 14:31 0 comments
Friday, 31 August 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 15:00 0 comments
Friday, 24 August 2007
After speaking to a friend of mine who told me he just cleaned his community tank out and now his fish were dieing. I asked what did you do he said i cleaned all the tank and gravel and replaced all the filter media with new. I explained that was the wrong thing to do and why. So i thought i would explain this in easy terms to anyone reading this blog who does'nt understand about filtration and bacteria in the fish tank. So this is how it works the fish in your tank even goldfish produce waist and amonia which is deadly to fish. So we add a filter internal or external they do the same job its not just there to filter debris and waist food produced by the fish. If left for a couple of weeks longer if you have the patiance a bacteria builds up that turns the amonia to nitrite. Nitrite's in high levels are also deadly to fish so another baceria builds up that turns the nitrite's to nitrates which are tolerated by fish if they don't reach to higher level. This is the main reason for water changes to dilute the nitrates. So if you decide to clean you tank never replace all the filter media just change some and leave some so the bacteria is still there to multiply. If your filter is filled with sponges then clean them gently in a bucket of tank water so you leave some bacteria on them to multipy again. This is also the reason we don't add fish to a new tank untill the filter has had time to build up the "GOOD" bactria. In the case of a discus set up the filter has to be even more mature because discus are more delicate than most tropical fish for discus about six weeks minimum longer is better. You can buy test kits for amonia, nitrite, & nitrates. So set up your new tank and watch the amonia and nitrites go through the roof after about a week you will see them slowly come down then dissapear once this has happened your tank has cycled and you can add fish but not to many at a time give the bacteria time to build up to cope with the fish waist slowly does it. keep an eye on the nitites and amonia levels they should always be zero. Hope this helps you to understand why you must have bacteria in the filter and why you should never completely clean a filter.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 11:47 0 comments
Monday, 20 August 2007
Today i bought a new filter its a Huey hung sponge filter 380 ltr. When it arrived i put it straight in one of my tanks. I was so impressed with it i have ordered two 500 ltr ones for the other two tanks. I am going to sell my Ehiem 2222 external filter's which will save me a lot of time on cleaning and maintenance.
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 21:48 0 comments
Saturday, 18 August 2007
Posted by colin'sdiscus at 20:10 0 comments